I'm so excited that I got to be a part of the American Diabetes Associations Tour de Cure this year. Our team of photographers donated their time and is donating 100% of the proceeds from photo sells to the Cure.
Kristi Webb and I literally ran from the start line carring all our gear to get the roll out shots. I'm sure we were a site to behold. Poor Kristi was wearing flip flops.
I set up on the finish line with a wide angel.
Most might have paniced at this point but I knew the shot was worth it even if I got ran over.
This shot on route by John Helt
Another great shot on route this one by Tabitha Helt.
Our last photographer on route James Lively got this great shot. Kristi Webb also did an excellent job at the finish line with her zoom lens. I'll make sure to add some of her shots here as soon as I get them.
another great shot by John Helt